Donations, In-Kind, & Instrument Donations
Through generous personal donations and grants, MUSE has been able to successfully operate since 2015. MUSE is a nonprofit with 501c3 status. Donations are tax deductible. MUSE staff and students would be tremendously grateful for your help. We are committed to growing so that more and more young people can study music in our MUSE community. Big picture, we are striving to reach a point where we can have our own location and transportation available to students' families.
If you'd like to send a check, please make checks payable to:
Boulder MUSE
â„… Elisa Snyder
4816 Pennsylvania Ave., Boulder, CO 80303
Elisa Snyder: 303-885-5600,
Co-Founder and Executive Director
OR donate by Credit Card / PayPal:
In-Kind Support
Our heartfelt thanks goes out to these businesses for their in-kind support, repairing instruments for free or at low cost, helping us procure instruments, and being major cheerleaders of BoulderMUSE!

Sol Vista Violins
Instrument Donations
We are always in need of instruments as our student population is continually growing. We particularly need the following instruments to be donated:
youth-size guitars
electric guitars and bass guitars
alto saxes
drum set
various percussion instruments -- particularly a marimba, a timpani, and hand percussion.

If you have an instrument that you and your family no longer have use for, please consider putting it in the hands of a MUSE student. We promise you it will come to excellent use.
MUSE is a nonprofit with 501(c)(3) status. Donations are tax deductible.